Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Maddox is big stuff now!

Maddox has started riding the 4-wheeler that Aunt Vicki got Gavin when he was 3. Now it's all Maddox's and he's loving it. He's doing really well on it. We have a "racetrack" around our house now. I wonder how many circles they have made.

Gotta love the teeth!

Boots and shorts...just like Uncle Steve

By the way...thanks to Kurt for "fixing" this 4-wheeler that's been out of commission for a while now. ;)


Megan said...

See it is up and running. Gas will do a world of good:)LOL Now the parents need a couple and then we can have a family ride.

Amanda Baltzell said...

How cute, love the boots and shorts!! Today Evan had snow boots on. Boys love those boots

grandma k said...

I think we need to trade houses and yards. Sooooo cute!They will never be a sissy.

mallory said...

looks pretty NEAT-O!
im gonna hafta check this "track" out soon!