Monday, December 7, 2009

Oh the Joy of Snow...

Maddox was the first to notice the first snow of the season! He pulled the blinds up out in the living room. The rest of us were back in the bedrooms getting ready...he yelled..."It's Christmas!" then made sure we all came out to the living room to see. He doesn't get excited about much, but obviously snow tops his list! The boys both insisted on wearing their snowboots to school...can you say "dorks", but it was a battle I wasn't willing to fight this morning. Besides, it was the first snow and they were soooo excited.

Maddox finally realized that the snow was gone after he made it home from pre-school. His bottom lip hung down as he said "Mom, Christmas is gone...." I just thought it was funny that he related snow with Christmas SO much...cute, regardless!


grandma k said...

I need some of Gavin and Maddox's excitement about Christmas and snow. they have so much get up and go about everything. They put their whole self into whatever they do.

Kelly R said...

Glad someone in the family likes snow other than Uncle Jeremy!!!

mallory said...

lol, very cute! (:

prashant said...

They put their whole self into whatever they do.

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