Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Summer's End

Well today is Gavin's last day of summer...we enjoyed it...kept it simple...and I'm kinda sad to say that it's time for him to go back. I remember when school was out wondering what in the world we were going to do...with him around ALL day...things were much more peaceful while he was at school. However, the boys have their moments, some days more than others, but they're going to miss each other and I'm going to miss having him around. He really, truly is a big help...there's not a thing that we do around here that he doesn't know ALL about. He seems to have it all figured out. Pretty big stuff for a 6 year old.

Thank goodness for this tree in the neighbors' yard. It's perfect for climbing. Last week Gavin rigged up this pulley...he loads up the fallen branches...not sure what he does with them...or why...but he does and loves it!

This tree has provided him with many locusts and locust skins to play with and collect...I'm sure this tree is glad that summer's end has come as well.

Gavin received this letter in the mail from his teacher yesterday. He really is looking forward to this year. He has good reason to.

We took the boys to Open House tonight. Gavin had a lot of comments on how tall he's grown over the summer. I'd have to say I agree. Here's to new beginnings and the summer's end!

1 comment:

mallory said...

good luck in 1st grade gavin! (: