Monday, February 2, 2009

100th Day!

Gavin's school celebrated their 100th Day of school today...very exciting! I remember him coming home after his very first day of Kindergarten and saying "Mom, we get to have a party for our 100th Day of School!" not completely understanding that 100 school days was quite a long way away. It was supposed to be last Tuesday, but due to the snow days it ended up being today. Gavin came home from school wearing these cool shades. I know you want a pair!
It was so nice out yesterday...and poor Maddox hadn't been out in the snow at all, so he finally got a chance to go out and tromp aorund in it. I think it might have made his day...look at that oneriness!

Giving me the ole two thumbs up!


hncfarley said...

Love the shades! We are still awaiting our 100th day in good ole Jasper county.

Megan said...

looks like Maddox is doing great! Parker said his 100th day was boring. He said they had snacks and that was all.

Anonymous said...

i remember 100 day!! jeez that was a long time ago, im kinda getting old haha. but that day was fun with mrs stark! looks like gavin enjoyed it 2!