Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Do I have to? (updated)

I really don't want to post tonight, but I guess that's part of the deal. I am up 1.2 lbs. I really enjoyed myself this weekend...what can I say?

I wish it was as easy to lose weight as it seems to be to lose my mind. We are planning a trip to Wyoming on June 7th. I looked ahead at the calendar for something else in June...guess what, Larry's vacation doesn't start until the 14th. It would help if he could go along too. Geesh! It's a good thing I don't have a schedule for us to work around...then again, that may be the problem. It looks like we have an extra week to begin our planning.

I'll update when I hear from Mom tomorrow...she's thinking she's in the same boat I am. We'll see!

Update: Mom just called to let me know how she did. Let me start off by saying she's been completely "off" this week. She didn't exercise much...ate lots...and guess what...she LOST 1.8 lbs. That's the biggest loss she's had in a long while. How exciting for her! I told her she needed to eat more...
Now she's only 3.4 lbs away from her 20 lb. goal and PARTY!


cindy said...

Hang in there DeAnn!!! June is a new month. Set yourself a goal for the month of June and forget about last week. You are looking sooooo good. Keep up the good work.

Kelly R said...

Don't get down!! You are doing great!!

I'm not so sure that you shouldn't ditch that calendar and just get a new one. Seems like that thing is giving you fits these days!

Cindy B said...

Don't give up DeAnn!! You are doing so well!! We ALL have those weeks!!!! I am so proud of you in what you have accomplised!!! We all come to a stand still...but we always get over that hump! Keep up the good work!!! I was shocked as I lost 2lbs today at weigh-in.
Sounds like you guys have something to look forward to here real soon....Wyoming....that sounds really fun!! What will you all get to do out there? Just think you will have an extra week to pack!! LOL!!! Hang in there DeAnn...your doing wonderful!!! Stay Strong!

grandma k said...

I'm totally amazed at myself. I may start a new program of my own.Ha! I was surprised at my weigh in, especially the way I have been doing these last several weeks. I really needed this. I was so far off program this past week. God is good to me.

cindy said...

Way to go Mom!!!! Looks like Steve better get the meat thawing and start peeling taters. I think you guys deserve a BIG party.

Kocher Family said...

Don't get down DeAnn! It's a new month. Start fresh. I think I gained all 5 lbs back! Way to go Grandma K..... That is awesome. Eat more! It helps :) Great job guys!

CAB said...

Congratulations Jeanette, I knew you could do it. Keep focused. DeAnn , I was always told what goes up must come down. I know you can get it down. Both of you have FAITH in yourselves.