Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I am a little relieved to say that I gained 3 lbs. this week. I know that sounds crazy...you have no idea! I ate, and ate, and ate, and didn't exercise regularly. I ran 3 times while I was on vacation...walked quite a bit throughout our trip, but not every day walks like I would have if I were home. I was really looking for a 5 to 7 lb. gain. Seriously...not kidding! I actually took my scales with me. I think before we got to Aunt Vicki's I was actually down a couple more lbs. However, that quickly changed and I let my guard completely down. I actually did probably gain 5, but according to my last weigh-in at Weight Watchers it was 3lbs. Looks like I'm headed to my 20 lbs. goal again. That stinks! Oh well, as long as I don't gain all 20 back I'll be happy with that. Here's to next week!

Mom weighed in today (Wed.) and gained 1.6 lbs. We're not doing so hot here lately...any suggestions...motivation...would be great!


Kelly R said...

My only suggestion is we need to get on with those walks like we talked about early on. Jeremy will have a different shift so it will be more feasable!!! What do you think??? Also, Amy had a really good cookbook last night I thought about ordering on low fat meals (I'll order 2). Hang in there!! Love ya

cindy said...

Hang in there!!! I know you can both do it. Set a new goal and LETS HAVE A PARTY SOON. :)