Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Day of Pre-K

I picked Maddox up from school at Noon today and here's the info. that I got from him.

How was Pre-School? Good!

What did you have for snack? cheese, crackers, and grapes

Did you see Gavin at lunch? Yes, he picked me up and I kicked him.

Is Miss Jamie a nice teacher? Yes...
(Later on) No...She yelled at me because I took my shoes off.
Then, I yelled at her and said I'm sorry Miss Jamie.

Did you like Pre-School? No, because Miss Jamie says "Shhhh...It's time for quiet."

Who is in your class? I don't know.

Was everyone good in your class today? Yes...No, they were screaming....just don't worry about's mean to say.

Are you ready to go back on Tuesday? No

Why not? Because my teacher says "quiet" and I don't like that.

What is all this supposed to mean? I'm sure it means that everything went as great as a first day of school can go and that he is full of stories.

This is what he said next out of nowhere "Remember that girl that was on my baseball team (he has never played baseball on a team) that kicked me in the weiner...Remember, when I was 5. Oh yeah, I've never been 5 before.

I guess I have to consider the source. I'll assume that he's doing fine unless I hear from Miss Jamie. Keep in mind, that he is full of stories and isn't used to being quiet...EVER! Poor Miss Jamie...I feel for her!


Lori said...

That is hilarious! That's funny about being quiet. I think the only time I've seen him quiet is when he is sleeping! He's a little boy with big things to say. Glad he had a good day.

DeAnn said...

I hear you there. I don't know where he gets it from...not me, that's for sure!

Shasta said...

I think we all know where he gets it!! He's one funny little dude.

Anonymous said...

His mommy was not like that. I can't figure out where he gets it from. That quiet little boy has woke up. It will only get better. DeAnn keep up with your blog.Good entertainment.

hncfarley said...

That is an awesome story, especially the "weiner" part....classic.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

It always cracks me up to hear my boys' view of their Sunday school or preschool classes. They are selective in what they tell me and it's hilarious what really makes an impression on them. Sounds like you have quite the boy in little mr. Maddox. :)
Boys are so much fun! :)