Thursday, August 7, 2008

Band-aids and More Band-aids!

Yesterday morning we noticed a spot on Maddox's chest that seemed to be a scrape of some sort, who knows? It's not unusual for us to find these things on his body every once in a while, or even daily. After going to Holiday World it seems to be getting worse instead of, I put some Neosporin on it and he found this cool band-aid that Amber had given us the day they came down to take our pictures...why she gave us a band-aid I don't remember??? Anyway, he wanted me to take his picture to show Amber. Where she comes up with these, I don't know. It's an egg! All we have is Diego and Batman.

Tonight as Gavin was in brushing his teeth I noticed he was taking forever, so I went in to see what the hold-up was all about. This is what I found.
He said that Larry had told him we needed to put some Neosporin on a scrape that appeared under his eye a couple days ago that looks red and puffy as well. He decided to do that all on his own and thought it needed a band-aid even though I assure you that the band-aid is not touching the area with the scrape. As he was trying to adjust the band-aid I snapped this shot. Ouch! Luckily, those band-aids aren't too sticky!


amberlindemann said...

love the bandaid maddox!

If you are interested, I've got bacon ones too!


DeAnn said...

Maddox laughed out loud when I told him you had bacon band-aids too. He said you're silly!

Thanks for the entertainment!

Anonymous said...

those are great where do you get such things?