It went something like this:
Pharisee 1: Jesus, we know you are honest and say the truth. You teach what God wants.
Pharisee 2: Does God's law say it is right to pay taxes to Caesar?
Jesus: Show me the coin to pay for the taxes.
Jesus: If you have this coin, you must pay the taxes. Whose face is on the coin?
Pharisees: Caesar's
Jesus: Give to Caesar what is Caesar's. Give to God what is God's.
If you look beyond his obsession with the sleeve of his gown (I'm glad Riley did too!) he did a great I said before they all did!
Here Father Jerry was asking them about when Jesus' birthday was. Gavin acted like he didn't know. I was surprised. After Mom made a birthday cake for Jesus a couple years ago at Christmas...and we discussed it last Christmas. I guess he thought the birthday cake was just for him to stick his face in.
Gavin's fan club
Gavin's class
Great job Gavin!!!
Did I see Gavin's hand on that little girl's leg????
He does, doesn't he? I didn't notice. He was hanigng his rear off the back of that wall, so he was probably using her to pull himself up. At least that's my story.
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