Sunday, July 27, 2008

Good times!

On Saturday night we were invited to Mark and Michelle's for a going away party for Matt, who is headed to Arkansas this week. There was a lot of good food and 450 water balloons! We didn't use all of them, maybe 1/4!

Maddox helping load the cooler with balloons

Mark chasing Wade

Michelle chasing Mark

Gavin plastering Larry! (Gavin didn't want to get his clothes wet...can you tell!)

Maddox loves everything about water balloons...except getting wet! (At least when Gavin's the one getting him wet)

Gavin's got his eye on someone...I'm not sure who.

No, Larry is not actually running here...I think I asked him to pose so I could get pics of his wet pants and this is what I got!
Larry, Matt, and Mark


Anonymous said...

oh what a fun! it's me, Dori! so can I give ya my address and get a copy of some of those pics? :) you can send the one I'm in, but I'll probably crop myself out of it...ugh! ;)

DeAnn said...

no problem...i didn't realize you had left a comment until now. sorry it's taken so long for me to get back to you.