Monday, July 7, 2008


Maddox "accidentally" picked our first tomato. We'd been watching this one grow for a few days and now all of a sudden it is gone. Funny how "accidents" can happen so fast.

Sorry Mommy!

Sorry Daddy! (Daddy was at work)

These photos were taken at the end of June. Since then, Gavin also picked a smaller one and we now have one more growing. Maybe between the three plants we have we'll get at least one full grown, ripe tomato before the end of the summer.


Anonymous said...

Hey Maddox,
This shouldn't be a problem. Have your mom make you some fried green tomatoes. I've done much worse things it will be alright!

Jamee said...

Emily did the same thing at Dick and Suzanne's, but she didn't look as sorry as Maddox. Hayden then picked it up and ate part of it, luckily he didn't have a belly ache

DeAnn said...

Maddox did the same thing with my parents' strawberry patch. The green ones he picked, he ate. I couldn't complain too much. At least they didn't go to waste. I can't imagine how they could've been good, but he must've liked them.

DeAnn said...

Thanks for the fried green tomato suggestion. Maybe next time he picks one. I'm sure he will. However, so good!

Gavin wants to know what kind of things you've done that are worse. I mean, how could it get any worse than picking a green tomato. :)